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"One generation of UNCONDITIONALLY loving parents, would change the brain of the next generation, and with that the world."
~ Dr. Charles Raison/EH V2
with Elisabeth Harrod
Purpose Parenting Blog
Elisabeth Harrod Purpose Parenting
Nov 8, 202445 min read
Parents, it's not their phones or social media... It's you
The good news about the Super Power that will Magically Change your Kids’ Relationship with Phones & Socials This is an extremely...
Elisabeth Harrod Purpose Parenting
Jul 29, 20223 min read
Moms. Imperfect is the new Perfect
Your three year old is zooming around the kitchen again have told him exactly one zillion times not to run in the kitchen. Then it...
Elisabeth Harrod Purpose Parenting
Jan 23, 20223 min read
Parenting Magic Wand
If you could wave your parenting magic wand and instantly stop yelling, nagging, bribing, or having power struggles and time outs, would...
Elisabeth Harrod Purpose Parenting
Oct 13, 20212 min read
Vital to be Vulnerable!
The last time I took a taxi, I asked the driver what was new in his life. He told me his wife just had a baby a month earlier. I...
Elisabeth Harrod Purpose Parenting
Oct 8, 20213 min read
The End of Power Struggles: A Parable
Peter and Anna live together. Peter has been stressed out because Anna has been having a hard time getting out the door on time in the...
Elisabeth Harrod Purpose Parenting
Jun 24, 20212 min read
Unlearning the FEAR of the YES within Ourselves
"We have been raised to FEAR the YES within ourselves." ~ Audre Lorde When I first heard this quote, it stopped me in my tracks. I spend...
Elisabeth Harrod Purpose Parenting
Mar 20, 20213 min read
Mean what you say. Say what you mean.
When parents say one thing, but feel differently inside, it's very confusing and anxiety-provoking to children (of any age). An example:...
Elisabeth Harrod Purpose Parenting
Mar 13, 20214 min read
Co-regulation Leads to Self-regulation
First of all, as with any parenting skills upgrade, let yourself off the hook for the past. You - like your child - always do the best...
Elisabeth Harrod Purpose Parenting
Feb 15, 20213 min read
Resist the "I Told you So" Urge!
"Mom, can I go Sam's party on Saturday night?" "Well, where is it? Will his parents be home?" "Sam rented an Air B&B out in the country....
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